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When A Dream Comes True : A Future Vision from Heart of An Entrepreneur

When A Dream Comes True : A Future Vision from Heart of An Entrepreneur

Hello Folks,

 I am Aditi Paul, a Bengali Graphic Designer girl turn to a Digital Micropreneur very recently having a lot of dreams in my eyes. Today I am here to disclose my future vision as I have been instructed by my mentor Digital Deepak. This is a part of my assignment #1 of the Internship Batch5 by Deepak Sir.

 I wish in next 5 years my vision will come true. Let's grow together.

Xyz , 1st September , 2025 : We are reporting from a very beautiful party today invited by The MoMa's Carryall group. The Kolkata Bengali Designer girl, Aditi Paul is the founder of The MoMa's group of companies who is one of the most successful entrepreneurs and digital marketers now a days. Her life , works, company is just Dream come true in the Era of Digital 2k25.

Last week she has achieved the title of the No.1 Digital Marketer in Asia. Her blogs, you tube get millions subscriber followed by the Facebook and Instagram. She is the writer of several bestseller book like , " Dream Come True", " Making your Brand from Sand" , " Why to Grand with Brand".
Actually all the title of her books are her skills. She can make your small Business a Brand in glimpse from Sand  with her super creative team and her events are never to miss. These are really " a dream come true" every time.

She had stared her career long back at the age of 20 from Presto, Kolkata as a Graphics Designer. Along with the job she continued with her event organizing in freelance. After 7 long years of working she decided to go on with MoMa's seriously with her extensive experiences in digital platform. Everything she did, she has a strong eagerness of helping and transforming peole who could hardly find their way for their small business to grow up when the total market place was digitalising itself. MoMa's helped and taught people just like a mother teaches her children with lots of affection. In her YouTube and blogs anyone can get total idea if he or she wants to establish a small business on her own.
Whenever we asked her the strategy of her business, she said that it's only Giving Away. " What goes around, Comes around" this is her only belief. So, you will feel the Mom's touch in every product and service of MoMa's.

Personally she is a proper Bengali foodie girl who has explored the best possible dishes around the world and discovered the easiest strategy to present them to people. Any event of MoMa's you can visit you will have these world class dishes with Mom's touch. They like to eat and feed . This is the glamour they have carried through out to their clients section too. From a middle class she has made this MoMa's Empire like her child out of her womb.

Now a days Paul lives in Toronto with her loving husband and two dogs managing her whole team, business and clients throughout the world remotely. Starting journey from a graphics designer she has kept her footprints in every sector successfully like Branding, Digital Marketing, Blogs, Affiliate Marketing etc and even in Jewelry. MoMa's jewelry and designs are craving for all girls and sensation for woman. They always have a overwhelming collection in every section that you just can't regret. In her journey her another venture " Know with MoMa's" is completing their 5 year of last 5 years Aditi has created so much value that MoMa is a 100 k family today all over. They say MoMa is all about feeling your Mom's touch. It will be there for you always to help, to teach, to transform gently that you need  just like your Mom.

So Great going MoMa's Carryall!!! All the best for your future endeavors. We will wait to watch more dreams come true event with delicious dishes and ever lasting Brands.


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