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Why you must switch to greenhouse and protective cultivation and other factors

 If you want a one-liner answer to the question that if you should switch to protective cultivation from traditional farming, the answer will be - yes, you must switch to greenhouse farming if you want to raise ROI as a successful farmer. As we see the growing industrial base in our country with the increasing population makes the fertile land scarcity for farming which is very normal for a country like India. Along with the situation we are facing severe irrigation problems for losing the stability of the weather. By the irresponsible effect of climate, the yield is getting vulnerable and the effect is getting fatal. With the decreasing land and increasing demand for crops nowadays there is no assurance of rain for the Indian farmer.

In this situation, a farmer must start learning about protective farming. This is the only way that can control the situation and climate to head it to a positive output. Else no need to say that a darker future is near as we all can clearly understand that Agriculture is the base of the Indian economy as well as the world’s lifeline.

Greenhouse Cultivation

What is Mulch Film?

Mulch sheet is special type of agricultural tarpaulin/plastic which is used to cover the land around the plants/crops to provide the needful protection and nutrition to the crop. By this process the temperature and the moisture of the soil can be controlled along with all the eco system. That’s why this is so healthy for the irrigation system. By using the different variants (Transparent, Black, black and white, black and silver : .6 -1.5 meter to any length:20 to 100 micron) of the product farmer can control the impact of climatic change over the crops.

Mulch film

How does it help?

In the diverse weather condition of India and world Plastic Mulch film is a great help and relief to the farmers. For the various seasonal and non-seasonal crops this is the best friend of farmers throughout the year. This is a great usage for both the open land farming and green house cultivation. There are many advantages of mulch:

1.       Weed control

2.       Less fertilizer usage

3.       Water consumption of trees are less due to cover

4.       Useful for keeping Roots and soil moisturized for long time at the time of open field cultivation

5.       No wastage of Soil nutrients

6.       Climate and temperature control

7.       Microorganisms and warms growth stay high

8.       Deeper and healthy root growth

9.       Less insect infestation

Mulch in poly house

Which and Where?

Let us understand the different variants according to their usage.

Mulching sheet comes into 4 different color: Transparent, Black, black and white, black and silver

Transparent mulch is recommended for the crops like Sweet corn where increasing soil temperature is important for rapid root growth.

Black mulch is recommended for weeds and moisture control. Moreover it can be used in pathways, walkways, play and natural areas to make it attractive

Black and White mulch is recommended for more sunlit area like Indian tropical agricultural region where white portion reflects the lights.

Black and Silver mulch is recommended for less sunlit area like Indian hill station agricultural region where silver portion attracts the lights and heat. This is the maximum used product for india.

**Black color portion of the sheet must be inside and the other side should be open.

 Width: .6 -1.5 meter /6-8ft : Can be decided depending upon the requirement

Thickness: 20 to 100 micron: decided depending upon the crop.

Like, for vegetable crops 25 micron is recommended and for greater life durability like bigger fruit trees 100 micron is good to go.20 micron film is recommended for one crop cultivation only. For 3 or more you must use 50 to 100 micron.

You can expect to have 3 months of to 3 years of durability for open field, air and water usage.

black mulch

How Mohantarp can help?

Mohan Tarp is a leading supplier of Suncool Mulch Films that is manufactured with advanced five layered films in embossed and non-embossed patterns that provides extra strength & stress-free field. It has special reflective property to repel insects and controlling temperature variations in the soil. The black side is opaque and eliminates weeds growth with light unavailability.

We have helped with over 25,00,000 square meters of this product to our customers and they have increased their irrigation in both quantity and quality.

 For other inquary ping us at : +91-7059170753


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